
Help Help!?!? Is your problem listed below?

How can I submit a message?
At the bottom or right side of every page with messages there's a message submit form. No accounts required! Are cookies enabled in your browser settings? If not, that's the problem.

I can't vote!
Are cookies enabled in your browser settings? If not, that's the problem.

The website looks stange/ the messages do not appear seperately.
Still using an old browser? You might want to consider updating internet explorer firefox, chrome, opera or safari.

I really hate this website!
Sorry to hear that. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make it better.

There is a cat with rabies in my basement.
Call animal control.

This website is awesome!
That's not really a problem, is it?

Didn't find a solution to the problem?
Please let us know by sending us an email with a (detailed) description of the problem. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, and help us to make a better place. Because we are here to help you!